16 January, 2014

See What I Mean?

I said the other day I wanted to get my quilting done.  I need to get it done & out of the way of the dining room & back to it's corner.  

When I quilt I use this big extension table thingy that Stuart made me a number of years back.  It just gives me a bigger flat surface to run the quilt on.  It works quite well.  It hasn't got fancy smooth edges or anything so it gets caught on the front at times but I can live with that for the little bits I do.  It's also really quite heavy!  So each night at tea time I would move it so we could eat, but leave the machine sitting there.  So I wanted to return things to normal as soon as possible.  

I have packed it up today!  Yay.  What a relief to have my stuff back in it's place again.  I don't like spreading it out too far around the house!  lol  

1 comment:

Bron said...

Wow January has been quilt month for you..soon enough it will be back to the knitting. xxxx