19 February, 2017

Budget Sewing

There is nothing quite like a bargain is there!  Most people love them.  

Sewing for a fundraising thing can be tricky.  We usually have a budget for our own sewing but when it come to sewing to donate to a fundraising thing you really want to get the best deal you can.  

Well I know I do.  After 4 years of sewing for the boys school I have learnt a little.  Firstly I can't over do it.  I could sew & sew & sew a million things.  I need to be realistic though in what I am giving.  Everything ends up costing money & you end up giving such a lot in time & money by the time a school fair is over, with donations, time spent on making, more donations in other areas & then time on a stall if you can.  Then on top of that, there is the actual fair itself that you go to & you need to pay for stuff there.  It's never ending some days.  

So, what can we do to minimise costs?  Go op shopping is a good start!  

It does depend what you are making of course but there are things you can do quite cheaply.  Yesterday, I did manage to get some experimenting done on a peg bag.  A dear old friend of mine is also sewing for her church fair at the moment.  We swapped ideas the other day.  I drafted a pattern off her peg bag.  So with some calico & bias strips I made I whipped up this first peg bag.  It's pretty good.  I like the size of it & it looks quite pretty.  

But I also went to an op shop.  I found a couple of reasonable table cloths.  I decided to hack those up.  The result was this first one.  

I am really rapt with that one.  It's a bit different.  Was less work as I didn't use bias tape for it.  But you know the best bit?  It cost me $1 for the table cloth!  Plus I get 2 out of it!  Woohoo!  Fifty cent fabric can't be bad for one peg bag!  I have cut out another one ready to sew up but will save that for during the week I think.  Stay tuned for more re-purposed products!

Now I just have to try to keep out of the op shops & buying more cloths!  There is still a limit on my making.   I hope I don't get too enthusiastic!

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