BJ's birthday party wasn't your average kids party. He didn't want one.
So having told us that a few weeks ago we came up with some other ideas on what we could do together instead.
He chose the Queen Victoria Museum. It was going to be a big day anyway, so it turned out OK that we didn't do it on his actual birthday in the end with him under the weather still then. He wouldn't have enjoyed it at all.
So today we had a road trip & quite a few hours at the museum.
We had done a bit of research on what was being shown at the moment. He was really keen to see the World War 1 display & also the ship that sunk. Mostly he was interested in "The Blacksmith Shop". Lucky for us, being there on a Sunday, we got the tour of the blacksmith shop which was good. He was really pleased about that.
A great time there & then lunch at a place in the area that he also loves so that was the makings of a great birthday!
Oh & I must not forget the party bags which was actually a few things we picked at the Museum shop, so both BJ & DJ got to enjoy those bonuses.